4 Year Old Program
15 hours of contact time with the older children provides great continuity of learning and opportunity for uninterrupted play. The children have time to develop quite sophisticated games and play scenarios both inside and out.
They have ample time to plan and complete challenging, creative or problem-solving tasks without feeling rushed.
We follow a traditional routine as we have found that this works best for most children.

Visual cues are used to guide positive behaviour and the children are involved in creating acceptable limits and boundaries.
An extensive array of Professional in house experiences and excursions supply us with interesting ways to address children’s needs and development.
Areas of focus include Marine Life, Bodies and Health, Road and Fire Safety, Dinosaurs and Fossils, Australiana etc.
At all times we are mindful of children’s learning as described in the Victorian Early years Learning Framework;
That children develop;
A strong sense of identity
A strong sense of wellbeing
The ability to connect and contribute to their world
Communication skills
The ability to be confident and involved learners
We manage all this while having lots of FUN!!